Saturday, August 6, 2011

What is SEO?

What is SEO? And Things to Keep in Mind

Search engine optimisation in laymen term can be define as an activity to bring the website in eyes of search engines so that search engines like google, yahoo, bing etc. can place your website on their ranking pages accordingly. There are few things in Search engine marketing SEO which you need to do before you start talking with other people who have their own website. The first thing which you need to keep in mind while doing search engine optimisation is Keywords. Keyword can be define as the most commonly used search words which are used by any user coming to these search engines. For example If a user is looking for clothes for kids than the search term which a user might uses is kids clothes or a user can also use a long and more specific keyword which might be kids clothes boy. Now there is another stage in which a user might use a search term along with a specific place like kids clothes boy in Gurgaon, these are called quantifiers.

It can be used in the website in order to get more targeted visitors on your website. For example if a user is looking for an seo company in delhi and your company is also running in the same area so the best way to optimise your website is with "Best Seo Company in delhi keyword. But it doesn't mean that you should fill your website content with lots of keywords. Search engines like google has laid down their own terms and conditions in which they have specified the counts for keywords to be used in a particular webpage.

The other important thing which you need to take care is the content of the website. Search engines didn't register the duplicate content and the use of duplicate content can lead to blacklisting of the website from these search engines. Search engine optimisation need to be done in more balanced way so it is advisable to hire a Seo company or to take proper SEO training from the company providing seo PPC services to their clients. In order to get seo services it is very important for you to find appropriate SEO service Company. There are many seo companies who along with providing best seo services also give training classes and teach a person how to do properly promote the website on search engine through SEO and PPC.

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